In comments on Ned Hall's guest post, Stefan Heßbrüggen points us to the Open Syllabus Project:
The OSP’s mission is to build a large-scale online collection of syllabi and to build foundational tools for analyzing it in order to advance scholarly inquiry, promote institutional cooperation, and foster pedagogical diversity. We believe that this critical mass of syllabi will stimulate new research tools, drive policy change, foster best practices, provide new metrics, and aid in the search, discovery, and the development of new course materials....
Now, we need your help. We have data, but we need more. Whether a few sheets or a few terabytes, please consider helping us to build this collective dataset. In return, we release a rich dataset of metadata to the public, while protecting the original documents in a secure “research sandbox” environment. Talk to your administrators, share your university, college, departmental, or private collections. Let’s use the data we have to drive institutional change, to experiment, and to innovate in this area.
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