The latter half of the 20th century bequeathed the Anglophone world a very one-sided picture of “French Theory.” The soixante-huitards were like our noble savages. Many important voices were silenced, due perhaps to institutional and sociological pressures, as well as individal and collective decisions about what works to translate. In many ways this Romantic image of French philosophy continues today.
Anyhow, Joe Bob says check it out. Among other things we give a promo for the book we're writing that will hook up Garcia with contemporary analytic metaphysics, and in the process will hopefully bridge a little more the divide between continental (both in the geographic and SPEP sense) and analytic philosophy.
*There is one typo in the inteview (my fault). In my answer to the penultamite question, the word "who" should be inserted between "novelists" and "strike". I meant to be saying that the ability of great novelists still seems magical to me, while the ability of great philosophers just strikes me as people doing stuff I already do, but much, much better.
**We just gave a paper (cowritten with Joel Andrepont) at this conference at MIT. The conference was really cool from an analytic aesthetics perspective, and I'll blog about it in the next few weeks.
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