The Parti Québecois has now tabled its pernicious Charter of Values in the National Assembly. It is now Bill 60. (I wrote about it here, here, and here.) It's much worse than anticipated. The contexts in which exceptions can be claimed have been narrowed; its scope has been widened. Now kosher and halal rules cannot be observed at daycare facilities or schools in the province. Doctors, professors, teachers, judges, police officers and other public officials will be banned from wearing turbans, kippas, hijabs, etc.
I argued before that Sikh turbans and hijabs are not properly taken as "religious symbols." It is true that Sikhism is a religion, but false that turbans signify an allegiance to the religion, rather than to the community. In any case, what is prohibited for Sikhs is cutting their hair. (There are Sikhs in India who simply wear their hair long, and don't wear a turban.) So if the community symbol is to be taken to be a religious symbol, long hair should be banned for Sikhs. And non-Sikh turbans should be permitted.
You can identify a Sikh by his or her name. Shouldn't Sikhs be banned from calling themselves 'Singh'. Perhaps they should be forced to call themselves 'Bouchard.' Should Muslims be permitted the moniker 'Khan' or 'Ahmed'. What's wrong with 'Pelletier'?
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