A comment in this interesting review caught my attention: "the volume stems from a conference (held in 2001)." The volume was published in 2012. I have been involved in my fair share of delayed volumes both as frustated editor, which I have come to understand requires all the Macchiavellian arts good leadership, and (mea culpa) as proximate cause of delay. Let's leave aside the wisdom of conference-volumes. Eleven years between conference and volume seems long-ish even in philosophy (even for what appears to be a high quality volume). By contrast, in the sciences any work older than two years is often considered dated from the perspective of the 'research-front' (about that development some other time more). Anyway, this made me wonder if there are a lot of more lengthy delayed volumes a(my own dubious record as editor is five years); do readers know of volumes that have experienced longer delays?
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