[UPDATE: Hendricks has now apologized. To Professor Hendricks: See, it isn't so difficult. Wouldn't it be nice to re(ad)dress the insult to Barbara Forrest?]
[UPDATE 2: Ingo Brigandt has given me an idea—see comments below. If you like, Professor Hendricks, you could make it a not-pology. For instance: "Professor Forrest, I am truly sorry people in the philosophy community thought that I abused you." Now that we have a base-line for your pologies, we would understand.]
For several months now, we at New APPS have written about the poor professional judgement of the editors of Synthese. (These stories are tagged "Synthese Affair".) Now, it appears, one of the editors-in-chief of this journal, Vincent Hendricks, has posted, on what is apparently a course website, pictures of himself teaching logic surrounded by young women revealingly dressed and posing as cheerleaders. All this above the caption "“Man of the Month”, Connery Magazine, february 2012". (See also here.)
Apparently, the intended message is: Logic is sexy, especially when you are taught by Connery Magazine's Man of the Month. Or possibly: Take Logic with Vincent Hendricks. We have cheerleaders.
It says a lot about why the wide protest about Synthese's treatment of Barbara Forrest failed to get any response.
Mohan Matthen
Eric Schliesser
Mark Lance
John Protevi
Jeff Bell
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