I just sent out the announcement for the summer school on formal methods in philosophy that I am organizing. It seems to me that more sustained methodological discussions of applications of formal methods in philosophy are at this point much needed. The summer school is an attempt to foster such debates and motivate students and young researchers to be attentive to the to methodological issues underlying their work. See below for the official announcement, and check the webpage of the summer school for further details.
The Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen and the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy are hosting a summer school on formal methods in philosophy.
DATES: 23rd to 28th of August 2012
PLACE: Faculty of Philosophy, Groningen
ORGANIZATION: Catarina Dutilh Novaes (Groningen)
TARGET AUDIENCE: Master’s and PhD students interested in formal approaches to philosophical questions, but open to more senior researchers as well.
SETUP: A series of lectures by Catarina Dutilh Novaes on general methodological issues pertaining to the use of formal methods in philosophy, and 10 tutorials by prominent researchers on different applications of formal methods to philosophical questions.
SPEAKERS: Barteld Kooi (Groningen), Branden Fitelson (Rutgers), Catarina Dutilh Novaes (Groningen), Florian Steinberger (Munich), Jan-Willem Romeijn (Groningen), Jeanne Peijnenburg (Groningen), Jeff Ketland (Munich), Martin van Hees (Groningen), Ole Hjortland (Munich), Olivier Roy (Munich), Sylvia Wenmackers (Groningen)
REGISTRATION: The registration fee is EUR 50. We have a limited number of places, so early registration is strongly recommended. For further details, consult the webpage of the summer school:
SCHOLARSHIPS: The Groningen Faculty of Philosophy is graciously offering up to 4 scholarships of EUR 500 to help cover for travel and accommodation costs, which will be awarded to the 4 best applications.
CONFERENCE: The summer school will be followed by the international conference ‘Frontiers of Rationality and Decision’, which summer school participants can attend at no additional cost:
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