It started quietly enough on the Hendricks thread. At comment 78, “Kria” wrote: “I find it interesting that the racial dimension of these pictures . . . has not been mentioned at all in the discussion.” (A similar remark is made by the way by “Emma B” in comments here.) Not knowing what to make of this, I replied, after pondering a while (at comment 97): “I am a little afraid to ask because of what might emerge—but what is "the racial dimension of these pictures"? I find it difficult to see the relevance of race here.”
The next day, I heard from somebody I’ll call Professor X. (Initially, I thought X was Kria, but it turned out that this was not so.) X wrote:
[X] The pictures depict a self-described "halfblack" man surrounded by fawning, conventionally sexy, evidently "white," female logic/cheerleader students. It is no overstatement to say that the history of race and racism, along the black/white axis, has been largely dominated by an obsession with black male sexuality--particularly in relation to white women. . . [T]his . . . has a racial dimension: a "halfblack" man has made it in the analytic philosophy profession, is smart and dapper as hell, and is now so recognized and respected that, in American parlance, even fine white girls are jocking (i.e., sexually paying attention to) him.
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