I'm on holiday at the moment, but not wanting to skip a week for Brazilian Music on Fridays, I figured I needed something that does not require lengthy introductions. So I decided to post one of my favorite songs by Chico Buarque, who certainly does not require introductions for anyone minimally familiar with Brazilian music. The song is 'Ludo Real', a collaboration with Vinicius Cantuaria (who is quite famous in the New York jazz scene, after having moved there somewhere in the 2000s), from the album Francisco of 1987.
But as I just can't help myself, here's a little something about Chico Buarque I'd like to share with you. Besides being one of the most prominent figures in Brazilian music of the last decades, since the 1990s he has also been an acclaimed fiction writer. In fact, his latest book, Leite Derramado, has won the Premio Jabuti, the most important literary prize in Brazil, in 2010. (This, ladies and gentlemen, is a truly multi-talented individual!) As far as I know, his books have not been translated into English, but in the meantime you can in any case enjoy his music!
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