Ireland becomes a truly sovereign republic. On can hope that this reverberates all over the globe wherever the state is not doing enough to constrain the evils that necessarily result from the kind of Pride that will always infect religious institutions. Please watch this.
The Cloyne Report of events from 2010 is available HERE.
[ADDENDUM: New reports show that the Vatican has withdrawin its envoy to Ireland in reaction to Kenny's speech.]
[Full disclosure: Both my parents are converted Roman Catholics. Though I am a committed Presbyterian, I love going to Roman Catholic mass and have immense love for the religion (for many reasons peculiar to me, Thomas Merton is perhaps my favorite saint). But all of us who love Roman Catholicism have a special obligation to support Prime Minister Kenny and all of the other great Roman Catholics such as Andrew Sullivan fighting so hard to root this insidious evil out of their own church, and for the sake of church as much as anything else, to make sure that church and state are in proper balance. There is of course an insidious danger here; us non-Roman Catholics must not succumb to the perhaps universal kind of Pride where you focus on other's evil as a way to excuse and ignore your own. So non-Roman Catholics must also fight twice as hard to be less evil in our own lives and also to help in the continuous reformation our own communities.]
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