Last night the Dutch Greens (GroenLinks) provided the crucial parliamentary support to the Dutch minority government in order to support a so-called civilian police-training mission in Afghanistan (proving once again that the educated, Cosmopolitan elites of Holland want nothing more than to be vassals of the United States even when it goes against any rational self-interest [disclosure: I am a dual Dutch-US citizen].)
Today members of Groen Links received a letter explaining the parliamentary faction's decision. A friend shared it with me. Two lines just defy credulity:
1. "The Netherlands must contribute to a democratic Afghanistan with a secure rule of law ." ["Nederland bij moet dragen aan een democratische, veilige rechtsstaat in Afghanistan. "] Democratic? Dutch observers noted that elections were a fraud in Aghanistan! Rule of law requires impartial judges. Without these policing really approaches activity in a Hobbesian state of nature.
2. "We can make a difference in Afghanistan." ["We kunnen het verschil maken in Afghanistan."] Ahh...yes, where several imparial powers have failed (Great Brittain, USSR, USA), the Dutch will succeed. This would be funny (in a Gulliver Travels kind of way), if it didn't make me cry...
3. Not to mention that this was a golden opportunity to humiliate a government that promotes xenophobic laws.
UPDATE: This blog got cited on front page of Dutch Newspaper:
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