Getting sucked into a debate on the exact payoff dates and rates of the UK higher education fees scheme is a mug's game. It misses the forest for the trees: the objectionable thing about the fee scheme is that it exacerbates the atomizing of society by reinforcing the view that higher education is not a public good but only an aggregate of private goods. That the execrable New Labour voted in fees in the first place doesn't mean heightening the fees is good policy; it means the original introduction of fees was bad policy.
Links to the ongoing and broadbased anti-cuts struggle of which anti-fees is just a small aspect:
Lenin's Tomb has great videos of protests against corporate tax cheats.
A reminder that Scotland has said no to tuition fees, showing another way is possible.
A call for papers from Edu-Factory, which reminds us the UK is only one front in a global struggle.
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