Peter Hallward describes the events, and their political context, with characteristic clarity and precision at THE. Excerpts:
Last Thursday, the government passed one of the most reactionary and ill-conceived pieces of legislation in this country’s history.... Students and staff have mobilised in unprecedented numbers and unprecedented ways to oppose these disastrous education cuts. Unable to sustain let alone win the argument in public debate, unwilling to devote even minimal time for general consultation and discussion, the government has instead opted to quash our demonstrations with naked force, intimidation and collective punishment....
Attempts to portray the protests as “riots” provoked by a frenzied few are a clichéd evasion of the real issues at stake here... In reality, the great majority of the violence has been suffered rather than inflicted by the protesters. In reality, given the calamity that confronts us, protesters have acted with remarkable discipline and restraint. In reality, although police justify the use of “containment” as a means of preventing violence, most of what violence there was during Thursday’s rally began well after the vast kettling operation was set up.
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