[UPDATE: Edu-Factory's "Campaign Against Debt." See also this post on the US college debt bubble.]
Letter to the Guardian here. We need to keep to this clarity of vision and not get sucked into a mug's game of calculating rates and dates of payoffs. And especially not under the guise of some inane deficit panic-mongering. Tinkering with an every man for himself game still leaves you with an every man for himself game.
From the Guardian letter:
We start from the belief that education cannot just be a debt trap on a learn-to-earn treadmill that we never get off as the retirement age is extended. Education in our good society is a universal public good which all must explore to reach their fullest potential. It is about the protection and extension of a precious public realm where we know each other not as consumers and competitors but as citizens and co-operators. What is happening is wrong and we must say so in every legal and peaceful way we can – in parliament, in the media, in the all sites of education and on the streets.
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