By Gordon Hull
Last time, I introduced a number of philosophy of law examples in the context of ML systems and suggested that they might be helpful in thinking differently, and more productively, about holding ML systems accountable. H...
Continue reading "Gatecrashers, Blue Buses and Speeding Drivers: Philosophy of Law as a way into AI Accountability (part 2)" »
From the Department of Shameless Self-Promotion, here is the abstract for my new paper, "Dirty Data Labeled Dirt Cheap: Epistemic Injustice in Machine Learning Systems:"
"Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) systems ...
Via Foucault News:
“Paul Rabinow, UC Berkeley professor emeritus of anthropology and world-renowned anthropologist, died April 6 at the age of 76 in his Berkeley home.
Rabinow spent about 41 years at UC Berkeley between 1978 to 2019,...
As I noted in a previous post, APDA is in the middle of finalizing data for a new report. This will be a follow up to the report released in August 2015. We hope to include data on graduates with no listed placements and Carnegie Classif...
Continue reading "Visualizing Placement Data (Updated 4/6/16)" »
By: Leigh M. Johnson
If you haven't already, you should read yesterday's Stone article in the NYT by Justin McBrayer entitled "Why Our Children Don't Believe There Are Moral Facts." There, McBrayer bemoans the ubiquity of a certain co...
Continue reading "Relativisim, Revolutionary Fictionalism, Moral Facts and #TheDress" »
by Eric Schwitzgebel
According to a broad class of materialist views, conscious experiences -- such as the experience of pain -- do not supervene on the local physical state of the being who is having those conscious experiences. Rat...
Continue reading ""The Tyrant's Headache" in Sci Phi Journal" »
By Catarina Dutilh Novaes
This is the fourth and for now final installment of my series of posts on conceptual genealogy. Part I is here; Part II.1 is here; Part II.2 is here; a tentative abstract of 2 years ago, detailing the motivatio...
Continue reading "Conceptual genealogy for analytic philosophy - Part II.3: The historicity of philosophical concepts" »
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